What is special about Zhineng Qigong?
A complete system for developing human beings to their maximum

Rocío: Zhineng is a complete system for self development. Designed by Master Pang He Ming, it contains theories and methods that rigorously explain how to go from an ordinary state to the maximum evolution as a human being.
What is commonly known as qigong are a series of traditional methods for cultivating energy, which achieves an increase in the person’s vital level, thus improving their health. It usually includes specific movements for stretching meridians (or paths that qi travels), and the connection between the individual and heaven and earth.
Zhineng Qigong works mainly with the original qi, the qi of the source of all things, which makes the matter or consciousness with which to work always one and the same, the medicine for healing only this same one, and the objective consists of awakening the awareness that the teacher is within each one.
This marks a big difference with respect to other systems and traditions, where the practitioner always depends on the therapist or teacher, because here he comes to empower himself and realize that it is himself who creates his life, his successes and failures, his achievements and faults, taking responsibility thus for their health, for their own development and liberation.
At the healing level especially, it has made a great difference with the rest of the qigong practices and other traditions, since through this system it has been possible for thousands of people to have recovered to 100% of their health. Other systems or practices such as reiki, laying on of hands, reconnection, etc. They have managed to help people but only on specific occasions or to a certain point. Above all, they have managed to provide emotional or mental support, or have served as complementary therapy. However, many have been able to take advantage of the Zhineng practice and not only improve or complement but have been able to recover completely, whatever their situation.
This, in large part, is due to Master Pang’s mission of wanting to make qigong a science, developing a whole series of scientific experiments and research groups to demonstrate the relationship between mind and matter, and thus verify that Indeed both are interconnected and it is the mind that guides the matter with its instruction.
Due to this series of experiences, there are people who have felt called to learn this entire methodology, finding in it a path of self-knowledge, healing and evolution of consciousness.
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