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A new I

The art of self-transformation

September to June 2025


A Zhineng Qigong training for teachers

and for anyone who wishes to learn for themselves

Guided by

rocio círculo

Rocío Sintas

ONE LIGHT school

Teacher with more than 10 years of experience in the discipline of self-knowledge and integral healing

This training offers a complete Guide to manage yourself, and at the same time have the foundations to be able to assist other people on their path. It offers methods of working with the body, energy and mind. It integrates healing and at the same time special abilities, through which we can completely transform ourselves, realizing true nature for a life in harmony.
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Integral healing

Transform yourself and assist others in their path

A new I
From individual to universal consciousness
Discover the reason for any imbalance in your body and mind
Learn to heal them from the roots and to manage your own health
Awaken your heart to live a life of purpose

Experiments mind-matter
Realize Zhineng Qigong science in practice: “What you think becomes reality”
Develop the ability to create favorable realities in your life based on your intuition
Practice scientific experiments with objects and the environment and discover the mind-matter relationship
From information/negative ego to positive, and from positive ego to non-ego

Consciousness theory
Know the mind to free it: raja yoga
Breaking habits and shaping personality: study of vrittis, vasanas and samskaras
Beyond the veils and the influence of past, family and environment
The 4 goals of life and the path to liberation

Dao De
Dao & De: Get to know the laws of the Universe to ally yourself with them
The 3 types of karma that affect the individual: how to have a life of success?
Virtues and vices. Dharma, adharma and swadharma, what is my life’s mission?
The art of non-doing: applying the practice on a daily basis to live a new I

Guide for harmonious relationships
Balancing the masculine and feminine within
The 4 golden rules for healthy and lasting relationships
Understanding and healing the energy/pain body
Keys to maintaining energy balance in relationships

Special abilities for healing
Use special abilities to know yourself and support others
Access direct knowing about their diagnosis
Develop the ability to sense their energy, and know where it may be blocked
Use the vision to access useful information on the physical, energetic and story level

One on one therapy
Learn to assist other people in their healing
(both from the role of therapist and that of friend, partner, family member)
Techniques to use depending on the pathology and case
How to create and maintain a safe space
Talking therapy: keys and correct use
The medicine of love and the medicine of information

Group healing
Zu chang: create a qi field to assist groups with different purposes
Learn intensive healing techniques
Instructions for teachers and therapists
Collaborate in creating a new and harmonious world
Live a new I


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Special abilities

Awaken dormant potential to discover a new world

Develop the ability to direct Qi to transform yourself and the environment in general.

“What you think, happens.” By developing the skill, we can change the course of our lives, and influence the health of our body and environment.

Develop gan zhi (knowing, hearing intuitively) to live more in tune with inner guidance in each moment, to access wisdom beyond logic.

Explore listening, towards oneself and towards others, developing telepathy and discovering that “everything speaks.” Access the original consciousness.

Develop gan ying, the ability to feel energies, to see inside ourselves and to be good companions with ourselves and others and propose diagnoses. Learn to stay in the center beyond energetic influences.

Practice seeing Qi inside the body and outside, in plants, animals, people. Develop inner vision to access clearer ideas and aligned. Discover the inner screen and open the way to ultimate vision.

To know oneself is to know the whole. Pure consciousness can observe itself and realize its true nature. To know oneself is to heal oneself.

A great skill to discover and enhance for a new life.

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Qigong and taiji methods for health
To relax, open and strengthen the body

La Qi
Basic method for healing and merging with pure qi

Scientific experiments
Practice with objects, plants and people

Wu Weithe art of “not doing” or being in oneness with true Self
Sitting practice and daily application

Allows inner reflection and greater transformation

Diverse exercises for awakening special abilities
Great variety of exercises to awaken dormant potential

Advanced method to realize pure consciousness
It brings energy and clarity to the mind

Tian Jian mudra
Special method for nourishing upper dantian
Promotes the development of the brain and its abilities

Ming jing
Special method to open inner vision
Develops wisdom

Methods to assist others
Fa Qi (sending qi and information)
Creating a Qi field
Energy circulation
Healing with pure consciousness
Healing with light
Talking therapy



From september 25th to june 11th

From 18 to 20.30 C. Europe time
17 to 19.30 Ireland
12 to 14.30 New York

Class in English. Translation into French available.

Certified training

100% in English

Live in Zoom

Access to recordings 9 months

Support group on Whatsapp

Written material offered

Open to all


People who wish to be certified as teachers must attend the final certification retreat to complete the training, which will take place from June 23 to 29, 2025 in Malaga. They must also take a theoretical-practical exam at the end of the course.

People who cannot attend the final retreat may opt to receive a certificate of participation in the online course by taking a final written exam.




Full training
34 classes of 2,5 hours
A total of 
85 hours online

540€ if you pay in one go (or 2 as long as it is completed before starting)
or 310€ x2 if you divide in 2 times (total amount needs to be covered before December)


From June 23 to 29, 2025, 7 days 
Approximate cost 690€ all included
This adds 56 hours to the training
A diploma will be delivered accrediting Teacher on
“Integral healing and special abilities”

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Sign up now

Contact us through the following button and we will guide you through the steps. If you have questions, please leave us your whatsapp/telegram number and we will contact you as soon as possible. Welcome!