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The 7 gates

and the central channel

Next dates to be announced in the future

Final retreat

This retreat is part of the 7 gates Training program, and consists of 54 hours.
A diploma will be awarded to those who have completed the online training,
crediting a total of 114 hours.

The retreat is dedicated to those who have followed this training. Also to those who have learned these methods in previous training and wish to deepen the practice. Intermediate and advanced practitioners are welcome.

We will enjoy a whole week of advanced practices for the realization of the true Self.
We will explore each center to raise their energy to its maximum potential.
We will connect the 7 gates for the awakening of Universal Consciousness.

The main practices we will explore
Hunyuan shen shi
Straight legs sitting method
Xu Yin and Wu Wei meditation
7 gates simple practice and formal method
Advanced method for opening the central channel
Advanced method for connecting 6th and 7th center
+ Practices of levels one and two to support the experience

With a variety of talks, circles of sharing experiences, different dynamics to explore the topics we have studied, spaces of music and chanting, meditative walks, and much more…

Everyone is welcome to live the experience!
7 gates for healing, one channel for liberation


The retreat starts on Sunday May 19th and ends on Sunday May 26th.
On May 19th, arrival is at 16.00, first class starts at 17.00.
On May 26th, the last class finishes at 13.30, we leave the place at around 15.30.


7:30 – 8:30 – Morning practice
8:30 – 10:00 – Breakfast
10:00 – 13:30 – First block*
13:30 – 16:00 – Lunch and rest
16:00 – 19:30 – Second block*
19:30 – 21:00 – Dinner
21:00 – 21:45 – Evening practice

*Includes short breaks


Register now

If you would like to sign up, please contact us on Welcome!

One Light School


One Light School works in person in Malaga, Spain, and also online. Sometimes we carry out training and retreats in other countries.

We are dedicated to teaching Zhineng Qigong, a discipline known for its great effectiveness in healing all types of diseases. It includes aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoist energy work, Buddhist meditation, and traditional yoga spiritual development.

The classes will be guided by Rocío Sintas, a teacher with more than 10 years of experience in the discipline of self-knowledge and natural and holistic healing.

Everyone is welcome!