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One light School

awakening · healing · self-realization

More than 10 years of experience in East and West

We are dedicated to teaching Zhineng Qigong, a comprehensive discipline that includes aspects of Traditional Chinese Medicine, taoist energy work, buddhist meditation, and the spiritual development of traditional yoga.

We offer classes, trainings and retreats for awakening, healing and attaining self-realization, in order to create a healthy, balanced and fulfilling life. We share philosophy and practices, healing and celebration, discipline and community.

One Light School works in person in Malaga, Spain, and also online.
Sometimes we carry out training and retreats in other countries.



One on One Sessions


Rocío Sintas


The classes are guided by Rocío Sintas, a teacher with more than 10 years of experience in the discipline of self-knowledge and natural and comprehensive healing.

We are light
One consciousness
Everywhere, at all times


Rocío began her personal Zhineng Qigong practice in 2017.

She soon visited China to immerse herself in the discipline, undertaking a 3-month teacher training in Qingcheng Mountains (teachers Lu Zhengdao, Ling Ming, Xi Xiaofeng, Wei Qifeng and Tao Qingyu). She subsequently attended healing classes at Xi’an Center for 40 days (teacher Wang, Pan Shubao, Wang Yang Xiashi, Fu Wei, and Li Yumin).

From there she began to collaborate with Chinese teachers and centers, until in 2020 Rocío began to guide her own classes and founded the One Light School, offering courses, training and retreats internationally.

Currently the school is dedicated to teaching the complete system of Zhineng Qigong through training, thus offering spaces for healing at all levels and gaining spiritual development.

Some previous collaborations have been:
– Organization of the first international retreats in Xi’an Center, June, September and October 2019
– Invited to several centers in China to work with children on opening abilities: Anyang Center with Chen Li and Teacher Zhang; Shouguang Center with teacher Zhang, and online with teacher Gao Yaqun.
– In online format, she collaborated together with the Anyang Center, offering intensive healing classes for 6 months.
-She also collaborated in Teacher Training with the Xi’an Center for 10 months.
– Etc.

Rocío has an approach to spirituality and yoga from an early age.

In 2015 she began a further study of Indian philosophy through chanting mantras.

Later she got initiate into Kriya Yoga formal training from Paramahansa Yogananda with the Self Realization Fellowship. Kriyaban training.

She also completes the TTC 200h Yoga Teacher Training with the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center in Reith (Austria), and continues with various studies and practices with the Sivananda Yoga Centers in Europe: Spain, France, Austria.

She currently maintains the in-depth study and practice of traditional yoga scriptures and Hinduism which complements with visits to India.

Rocío started meditation in 2012 through the Vipassana technique.

She did numerous meditation retreats, alone and guided, in monasteries of various Buddhist traditions.

Some of these experiences have been:
– 4 days Vipassana retreat, Guatemala
– Intensive practice for 5 months, Guatemala
– 1 month solo retreat, Spain
– 10 days retreat at Wat Tam Wua, buddhist forest monastery in Thailand
– 10 days retreat in Suan Mokk, buddhist monastery in Thailand
– 4 days retreat in Wat Trivisudhidham, buddhist monastery in Thailand
– Visit to some sacred caves and traditional temples in Nepal and north of India
– 10 days at Buddhist Monastery Vajrayana Tradition Dag Shang Kagyu, in Huesca (Spain)
– 7 days of Rains Retreat at Plum Village, Thich Naht Hanh’s community (France)
– 10 days of Sattipathana Sutta retreat from S.N. Goenka Tradition, at Dhamma Makaranda, Mexico

Rocío had an inclination to use medicinal plants as a way for self-care since young age. In 2012, in her travels around central and south America, she studied with different populations. She spent some time with rastafaris and indigenous people in the Caribbean islands. She studied Andean Medicine in Otavalo’s Traditional Cliniques with local healers (Ecuator); and learned different techniques at Riobamba’a Alternative Hospital. She also got to learn from Mayan healers in Chichicastenango (Guatemala).

In 2012, she got initiated into master plants (Colombia) and this experience changed her life completely.  

From 2012 to 2018 she got immersed in working and studying with master plants in Colombia, Peru, Guatemala, and Mexico. 
From 2013 to 2016 she worked intensively with ceremonial cacao in Guatemala. She attended to more than 100 cacao ceremonies guided by Keith Wilson. During these years, she also guided cacao ceremonies and retreats by herself, and cooperated with some plants ceremonies.
Since 2018, she no longer walks this path.

Rocio was born in Spain. She is graduated in Audiovisual Communication by the University of Malaga.

She worked several years for the United Nations, more specifically the FAO program (Food and Agriculture Organisation) linked to Mediterranean countries.

She carried out her work at the same time that she developed personal projects that were supported by the Goverment. Some examples are:
– Programs for equality of humans rights, environment protection, alternative education and more, by organising screenings and talks to raise awareness in Public Centers, Universities, and Public Institutions. One of this projects was Cinema Politica Malaga.
– Projects to bring peace between countries. One of this projects was “Let’s Talk About Western Sahara”, where young people from all over the world got together to understand each other, discuss under non-violence to find solutions.

She worked as photographer, documentaries producer, translator and interpreter, director of audiovisual content for personal projects and in collaboration with some film producers from Canada and France.



Retreats for Teachers’ training in Malaga, Spain

Classes in Rincón de la Victoria, Malaga

Courses in Malaga

Retreats in Mexico

Awakening the inner master, Retreat in Ciudad de Mexico

Emotional Healing
Retreat in Tepoztlan, Mexico

Nature and vegetarian food in our retreats

Online School


First International Healing Retreat in Xi’an Center, organized by Rocío Sintas.

International Healing Retreat in Xi’an Center.

International Healing Retreat in Xi’an Center.

Opening paranormal abilities class, collaborating with Shouguang Zhineng Qigong Center.

Parents and children get together in the Opening abilities class for children in Shouguang.

With teacher Wang in Xi’an Center.

With teacher Liang, director of Anyang Center.

With part of the Scientific Research Group in Xi’an Center, teachers Wu and Xie.

Teachers Training
Qingcheng Mountains (China)

Learn more about our classes